A Reply (Sebuah Surat Balasan)

Dear 19 years old Hanifah Rahmania,
It is me, you in 23 years old.
Thank you for sending me a message 4 years ago
And also thank you for remind me that no matter what happen, I have to reply your message.

I am fine and also my family.
Alhamdulillah we are healthy, love each other, and of course support each other.
How lucky i am to have them as my family.

Dear young me, I have to tell you that 2 weeks ago was my happiest moment in 2017.
That is.. Finally after 5,5 years being medical student, I have been reached my dream to become a doctor.
Yes! you was right 4 years ago that today you are able to call me a doctor.
Thank you for your struggle, hardwork, and sacrifice.
If you didn’t study harder and pray hardest yesterday, may be today I wouldn’t reached my dream this fast.
But over all, these all happen because of Allah’s blessings.
Thank you Allah for becoming what i’ve prayed yesterday happen.
I’m so grateful and I feel so blessed. Alhamdulillah.

Thank you Allah for sending me great friends and good people around me.
Without them, I couldn’t learn the meaning of sharing, caring, and loving.
Thank you Allah for giving me some problems and hard things.
Without them, I coudn’t get stronger.

4 years ago, you asked me about my Qur’an memorization.
Thank you for remind me about this.
I had increase some verses of Qur’an when in Metro
You know the proccess was stop when I came back to Bandar Lampung
I really sad when my self start to forget what i’ve memorized
I have to improve my Qur’an memorization earnestly, indeed. Bismillah

Ihsan and Salma didn’t follow me to become  a medical student
Ihsan is now a fiscal student in University of Indonesia, Salma is an architecture student in Bogor Agricultural Institute
I really happy knowing  that my sister and brother enjoy their passion.
May Allah blesses them always. Aamiin

I realize that when I get older, the responsibilities will bigger
Now, as a doctor I must be extra carefully with every human being life
I promise to be a good doctor, insya Allah
I will never stop learning and caring

I wish I will have a chance to become a specialist, may be between obstetrician or pediatrician.
And I have a big dream; Ya Allah allow me and my family to visit Ka’bah. Aamiin.
And I wish many more dreams becoming true in the future.
“Faidza azamta fatawakkal ‘ala Allah”

Remember dear me, I’d like to give you two little advices;
“Khoirunnas anfa’uhum linnas”
“Nahnu du'at qobla kulli syai’in”
It means that;
What ever you will be in the future, keep your Muslim personality who always obey the shari'a

Dear future me, that is all i’m today.
I hope next time i will write the longer message for you

See you on the next level of your life,
I don’t promise to become a great person, but I promise to do great things everyday.

Anyway, I’d like to know your next story dear future me, please reply this message as soon as possible after you get married.
Because I always wonder who is my future husband.

I’m sorry about my bad grammar, in the future I’ll also improve my english :D
Sincerely, Hanifah Rahmania, 23 y.o


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