Two Presents in Two Days

There is no word that can be spoken but Alhamdulillah.
Semalam ketika aku sedang belajar untuk UAB Blok Hematoimmunologi besok,
Adik tingkatku mengirimkan sebuah pesan bbm
"Kakak selamat yaa lolos dapat beasiswa.."

dag dig dug
*brb buka web unila*
And I'm really happy for that.
One of my dream comes true, again
Alhamdulillah Thank You Allah.
Pertanda bahwa target impian yang lain meminta segera diwujudkan.

And this night.
Hani ngajak ngegambar preparat patologi anatomi bareng di rumah Fefe.
Ketika aku dateng,
ternyata ada semua bugenk!, kecuali Ocin.

And they give me surprise cake, birthday song, and wish words.
I'm so surprised.. because I don't guess it would be like this.
And this is the present..

Makasih banyak sahabat seperjuangan aku di Lampung :) :) :)
(Han, Idzn, Nin, Dee, Ghege, Airway, Dest, Fefe, Ida, Nana, Iruz, Ucup)

Alhamdulillah oo.. Thank You Allah


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